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Why Cyprus?

Why Cyprus?

Warning: contains distressing details of animal abuse and neglect

Cyprus is a beautiful island destination in the Eastern Mediterranean with an intriguing ancient history dating back 10,000+ years.  Cats hold a special place in this history and, according to legend, they were brought over by the hundreds in the 4th century to help ward off poisonous snakes.

While an “island of cats” might evoke images of happy, healthy felines roaming freely in the bright sun, the reality is sadly much darker. 

The cat population in Cyprus is completely out of control.  It’s estimated that there are more stray and feral cats than people on the island (1M+).  The government does very little to support TNR (trap-neuter-return) programs and even less to support the thousands of cats in dire need of basic medical care, food, shelter and sanctuary space. 

Even worse, the amount of animal cruelty on a relatively small island is completely unfathomable.  On a daily basis, there are “human beings” (more like monsters) who engage in intentional, despicable acts of cruelty- from poisonings, garbage bag suffocating and dumping, mutilation, beheading and even crossbow shooting. 

Intentional mass poisonings are by far the most common as business owners and residents equate stray and feral cats to rodents- a nuisance disruptive to their daily lives and/or customers which they can inhumanely irradicate by luring a hungry cat with tainted food.  I won’t elaborate on details, but the pain and suffering felt by this type of death is horrific, slow and excruciating. 

Unfortunately, there are lax laws and policies regarding animal abuse in Cyprus, and little to no resources for enforcement and prosecution. 

Aside from the intentional acts of cruelty, it is estimated that hundreds of cats die each week from being struck by vehicles.  A problem which can be lessened by more support for TNR programs and dedicated sanctuary space. 

On top of the existing challenges, there was a rampant outbreak of FIP last year.  FIP is a highly contagious viral disease (non-transmittable to humans) which causes severe illness, suffering and death.  Needless to say, this has furthered the strain on rescue and aid organizations who, once again, received very little government support to aid in the outbreak.

For the past few years Cyprus has been a second home for our founder, Ashley.  She has witnessed first-hand the plight of cats on the island and currently cares for six formerly feral rescues- two of which are Fluff and Boots, respectively.

However, for all the heartbreaking stories there are many heartwarming stories of volunteers, local businesses, residents and tourists going the extra mile to feed, save, foster and adopt cats who would otherwise be left to suffer. 

When it comes to animal welfare anywhere in the world, you see the two sides of humanity- good vs. pure evil.  For all the monstrous individuals on this island there are thankfully individuals who sacrifice their personal time, money and even safety (confronting abusers) to make a difference. They are true heroes to every cat they help, no matter if it’s 1 or 100.

Along the Fluff & Boots journey we will be spotlighting these remarkable individuals as well as the work of organized rescues, dedicated sanctuaries, and local businesses who are making a direct, tangible impact.

Aside from monetary support generated by product sales, we hope our pawesome mission will raise global awareness of the dire situation here in Cyprus and inspire other communities around the world to expose systemic abuse and institutional neglect of animals.

Please consider following our socials @fluffandboots where we’ll be sharing video content, interviews and more over the coming months.

You can also learn more about the situation in Cyprus via the resources below. Sadly, these are only a few examples of the daily occurrences of animal abuse on the relatively small island.


Ecologists report mass poisoning of cats in Strovolos

The Tragic Plight of Cyprus’s Feral Cats

Outrage in Pentakomo after mass poisonings of dogs and other animals

Stray cats in Cyprus: the issue one cannot neglect

Viral disease killing felines on ‘cat island’ Cyprus

Vets plea for drugs as 300,000 cats in Cyprus believed to have perished of infectious disease

Cat abuse in school reported to education ministry

Animal shelters in tragic state despite promised funding

Cat tortured to death, severed head placed over grave in Yeri cemetery

Stray dog crisis ‘worse than ever’