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Pawesome Mission

As a small business with a purpose-driven mindset and a double-bottom line (DBL) business model we go beyond “end of year” monetary support and integrate giving, advocacy and awareness directly into our operations, marketing, financial plan, and growth strategy. In other words, our give-back is not just an afterthought or “good PR” but rather a vital part of who we are and the reason our company exists.  

Our mission, which we fondly refer to as our Pawesome Mission, seeks to intertwine profitability with purpose allowing us to enact and uphold the three pillars outlined below. 

Fluff and boots cat

Supporting Stray & Feral Cats

Supporting Stray & Feral Cats

  • Awareness and Education

    Support feral “community” cats by driving awareness of TNR programs and education initiatives that feral cats can lead happy lives outdoors in safe, appropriate settings vs. taking them to a shelter where they will be confined to a cage with high risk of euthanasia.

    Support sanctuaries to accommodate feral cats who need to be relocated from unsafe or inappropriate outdoor settings.

    Support stray/abandoned cats with “adopt don’t shop” messaging and help overcome misconceptions about shelter cats being “unfit pets” due to assumptions about health, behavior or age.

  • Monetary Support, Product Donations & Sponsorship

    For our first year, we pledge a minimum 20% of annual profits will be donated to our non-profit partners with a plan to increase this percentage as we grow as a business.  For comparison, most large corporations donate 1% or less of their annual profits (source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy citing Giving USA data). 

    In the unlikely case our profit goals are not achieved, we will donate a minimum of $5 for every order that was fulfilled throughout the year (less returns), so our customers can be confident every purchase will make an impact, especially collectively. 

    Furthermore, throughout the year we will donate Fluff & Boots products for the purpose of charity raffles and auctions to raise money for vetted shelters and programs supporting stray and feral cats, and/or directly sponsor relevant non-profit events.

Fluff and boots Cat

Amplifying General Feline Wellbeing

Amplifying General Feline Wellbeing

  • Optimize Feline Happiness & Comfort

    We are proud that our Knead-it Pad makes it easy to accommodate the instinctual cat behavior of kneading, an act that helps them feel comfortable, safe, calm and relaxed.  

    Along with its mindful design to better protect skin, clothing and furnishings from claw penetration, the Knead-it Pad supports an awareness campaign about the extreme pain, long term discomfort and unfortunate consequences of cat declawing; an act that is illegal across the European Union, the UK and Australia, however still permitted across the vast majority of the USA.

  • Support for Anti-Cruelty Legislation & Enforcement

    Cruelty is not limited to stray and feral cats. Sadly, pet owners don’t always treat their pets with kindness and oftentimes this cruelty is overlooked and/or not enforced to levels we feel are adequate. As our community of purr-parents and animal lovers grow, we aim to support the efforts of vetted advocates and lobbyists through advocacy campaigns that provide a direct way to make an impact on the protection and wellbeing of all cats and dogs- whether “owned” or not.

Fluff and boots cat

Advocating for “Cat & Dog Ethical” Product Sourcing

Advocating for “Cat & Dog Ethical” Product Sourcing

  • Challenging the Status Quo 

    As part of our long term growth plan, we seek to challenge the status quo of big-box pet retailers and leading pet brands who directly manufacture in, and import from, countries where cats and/or dogs are "farmed" and horrifically tortured before being brutally slaughtered for meat and trade. 

    Given the billions in annual profit and multi-million leadership team payouts of these pet retailers and pet brands, we believe they have the collective resources and influence to end the importing of pet products from countries that engage in these horrific acts against the very animals that generate their billions in profit; and perhaps in doing so, exert enough economic pressure on governments to end the barbaric, unnecessary practice.

  • Our Promise

    We promise to never make any of our products in countries that engage in the horrific acts of cat and dog slaughter for meat and trade.  

    Currently, all products are made by woman-owned manufacturing partners in the European Union and our growth plan includes expanding our product range exclusively with manufacturers in the EU and USA.

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